Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2018: Early Access Top Picks
The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2018 is officially here! In case you're not familiar with the sale, all new fall items have been released at majorly discounted prices! Once the sale is over, the items go back up to regular price. A lot of the items will also sell out and there is no guarantee they will be restocked, so don't wait to buy what you want!
I've rounded up my top picks by category to save you the headache of searching through hundreds of items, trying to find the best of the best. If you're a cardholder - happy first day of early access & happy shopping! If you have a triple points day available, be sure to use it today! Not a cardholder? No worries! Public access begins next Friday, July 20 :)
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Postpartum life is hard and I’m sure it looks a little different for every one. Today I’m sharing what I found to be most helpful as a first time mom from my first week home until now, four months later.
I can’t believe it’s already been one month! it’s been full of newborn cuddles, lack of sleep, midday naps, baby smiles, tears (mostly from me), tiny hands and feet, night sweats, crazy hormones, nursing, new routines, creating sweet memories, falling more in love with rob watching him be the best daddy, and so much more!
I’m not sure if I’m 100% qualified to be writing this post. If you read Gemma’s birth story you’ll know that she was four weeks early and when I went to the hospital I initially thought I was going to be sent home so I didn’t bring anything with me! I didn’t even have my bag packed lol, so that was fun face timing my mom telling her what to pack and where everything was. All jokes aside, you truly don’t need much!
Rob & I are so excited to announce that our sweet Gemma Leigh was born on September 3, 2019 at 4:03am. She was 5 lbs 11 oz and 18.25 inches long. She has the most perfect little face we’ve ever seen! Even though she arrived four weeks early (her due date was October 2), she is super healthy and we’re doing great!
5 more weeks! Time is flying by you guys! I feel like I say that during every update I write, but it’s just so true! In five more weeks (give or take) we’re going to have a sweet baby girl in our arms. There are still times when it seems surreal, but now that I’ve had my baby shower and the nursery is coming along, reality is starting to set in.
Body positivity and loving yourself seem to be trending now a days, and for good reason. Learning to embrace your flaws, love your body, and recognize that every body is different, yet beautiful, is such an important message to spread. However, I believe body positivity should go beyond the way our bodies look. It should also be about how we feel.
When I originally sat down to write about using oil on your face, I was writing it as an Instagram caption. Well, it was getting to be a pretty long caption, so I decided to write a dedicated blog post instead! I’ve been super passionate about skincare for years now. I love sharing what I learn along the way, so let’s talk oil!
31 weeks!! I can’t believe it! For some reason when I say only 9 weeks to go, it hits me that it’s almost time for baby girl’s arrival! I feel like I just told Rob I was pregnant and now here we are, about to start the nursery in hopes it gets finished in time lol.
It’s that time again! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is one of the best sales of the year. This is your guide to the best of the best from the sale and what’s really worth investing in.
I can’t believe my sweet girl is five moths old already! That means next month is half a year and I could already cry about it! I’ve been getting a lot of questions about Gemma’s schedule and how she’s sleeping, so I will be covering all that today. I’m also going to share some of our current must have baby products and toys that she has been loving.