Today I’m sharing our bride & groom portraits! I’m so obsessed with how they turned out!
Read moreOur Wedding Photos: Part I
Wedding Gown: Hayley Paige | Castle Couture
All of our wedding photos turned out amazing. Today I’m sharing bride prep & groom prep, as well as our first look!
Read moreNew Year, Life Chat
Hello 2019!
Hi babes! If you’re new here, welcome! If you’re a long time reader, I’m glad you’re back :) Today I’m sharing a life chat all about my plans for the blog this year and what my mindset is like right now. To start, if you missed my 2019 goals blog post, you can read it here. I shared Rob & I’s goals for the year as well as a handful of goals I have for the blog. But let’s get into today’s post.
The blogging industry can be weird sometimes. It’s amazing in so many ways, i.e. creating community, inspiring others, sharing advice, etc.; but it’s becoming such an over saturated space. As a blogger, it can become exhausting feeling like I have to always be wearing a new outfit, sharing sales, curating my Instagram feed, growing my following, etc, etc. As a follower, I would imagine that it’s v hard to not feel like you have to keep up when there’s a constant flow of new, picture perfect content flooding your inbox & Instagram feed. And for some reason, all of the pressure and thoughts always comes back to Instagram.
While I do believe in curated content and pretty photos that are meant to inspire, it is so important to remember that Instagram is most definitely not reality. It’s simply a highlight reel of everyone’s best moments. With that said, don’t compare your behind the scenes to someone else’s highlight reel. You should never feel less than because of what someone else is posting on social media. There are plenty of girl bosses out there who you can follow for inspiration and also know that they are genuine humans, keep it real, and share their behind the scenes. (i.e., @daniellegervino, @whiskeyandlace, @morgbullard, @hernameissylvia, @bronwynbutler, @abigailmarygreen, @conveythemoment @littleblondebook .. I could keep going lol!)
With that said, one of my main goals for the blog this year is to be intentional when creating and sharing content. There’s so much meaning behind this. First, I want to share anything and everything that makes me happy. If it doesn’t “flow” with my Instagram, oh well. If it’s an item from a boutique I love but I can’t link it through, that’s totally fine. If it means more life chats and real talk, I’m all about it. As long as I know that what I am posting is coming from my heart, that’s all that matters.
Second, my blog has always been my baby and I sometimes I feel like I neglect it because I’m so focused on Instagram. So this year means less focus on Instagram, more focus on my blog. There is SO much more I can share here on my blog as opposed to Instagram. I also know my blog will be here forever and Instagram certainly may not. Then I have moment where I think back to my vision when I started my blog. I wanted to create a place where I could share my outfits, favorite beauty finds, and life chats, all while fostering a genuine community for the every day girl to come and relate. I’ll admit, I lost sight of this vision because of the constant pressure of Instagram; however, this year I am going to truly focus on building blog content and showing up here consistently like I used to!
Third, my goal for my content is always quality over quantity; however, I do feel like the quality of my content has so much room for growth, so that is something I will be focusing on this year. I’ve struggled to find an editing style I absolutely love & honestly, I’m so over the entire preset trend. Everyone’s photos are starting to look the same. What’s so unique about that? Unless a photographer is making presets specifically for you, based on inspiration from feeds you like and the vibe you want to go for, I think it’s SUPER hard to just randomly buy presets and hope they work for your photos. I also understand that people prefer to see every day, in the moment iPhone shots on Instagram, which is fine for Instagram, but not for the blog.
In terms of quality, I’m going to be working with Jay from Twisted Oaks Studio (you probably know his name by now if you’ve been following for a while or saw my wedding photos). We are going to come up with an editing style that works for me. We’re also going to shoot a ton of content each month which I’m beyond excited about because he’s a bomb photographer and it will definitely help me plan my posts and be intentional.
When it comes to fashion, I will continue to share my fave items, when my fave retailers are having great sales, and all that good stuff. BUT, I want you to know, that is part of my job. I am here to share a variety of options, the best of the best, what’s new and items I love, that way you babes can pick and choose based on your needs and your budget. I never want any of you to feel like you have to buy everything I share and build this insane wardrobe with endless outfits. I know that is not everyone’s reality - it’s not even my reality, which all comes back to posting with intention. There is also SO much more to life than clothes. Seriously. So even though I will still share my personal style, I want you babes to know that there is so much more that defines me (and you!) than what you wear!
In terms of beauty related content, expect to see more! I have always been a beauty lover. Trying new products and sharing first impressions, reviews, and tutorials is what I enjoy the most! So, this year I want to be super consistent and share a ton more beauty content because I love it!!
Life updates and real talk will absolutely continue because you guys love them so much. I also want to incorporate more wellness content based on your requests! I have a bunch of ideas on how I am going to do this. I am hoping to launch a new wellness series during the second quarter of this year, so stay tuned!! I want to make sure everything about it is perfect and ready to go before I post anything! If you have any wellness related requests, please leave them in the comments of this post or send me an email so I can include them in my planning!
Home content is something that I know a lot of you want to see, and something that I definitely plan to start sharing more of. I share a lot on my Instagram stories, but our home is such a work in progress and that’s okay! We are taking things room by room and I will surely share before and afters here on the blog as the rooms are completed! One thing I’ve learned is that completing a room takes TIME (& money). I don’t want to settle for pieces I don’t love, so even though I may know exactly what I want, it may take some time to find the pieces I need to finish a space.
Last, if you want to stay connected, it would mean so much if you would subscribe at the bottom of this page! I am going to be launching a *weekend deals* newsletter in February, where I send an email every weekend full of the best sales that are going on! In addition, you will get an email every time there is a new blog post, and that’s it! <3 If you’ve made it this far, thanks so much for reading!! Without you, this blog would not be possible!
2019 Goals
New year, new goals. Yeah, yeah, everyone is saying it, I know. But after reflecting on 2018 & realizing I only achieved some of my goals, something inside of me changed. I’m tired of setting goals and not following through or not setting myself up to succeed. So this year is going to be different. 2018 was such a transitional year for me personally. Rob & I bought a house, got married, and got a puppy. It literally was the year of adulting which is why I think I’m feeling more motivated than ever. So here they are, Rob & I’s goals for 2019.
Health & Wellness
Every year, Rob and I try to make our health a priority. And we partially succeed. We will do so good for weeks, then get off track. And when I look back to really figure out why we got off track, most often it’s because we were trying to make too many changes at once and it became overwhelming or we simply weren’t as prepared as we should have been. So this year, we are going to take baby steps. By starting small, we will (hopefully) experience success and be more confident when we go to tackle bigger goals.
Drink More Water
This is a goal for both Rob & I. I think it will be a fairly easy one to achieve as long as we keep track daily and remember to fill up our cups once they are empty! We love these Yeti cups and this Simple Modern tumbler.
5 Day Detox
When I saw this 5 day detox from the Tone It Up girls, I knew I wanted to try it. After the holidays, I always feel like crap from all the cookies and treats and food in general. Rob is on board and we are starting Monday. Since it’s only 5 days of commitment, I think it’s a great way to start working on eating healthier long term.
Gym Routine
Rob’s job is pretty physically demanding and some days his hours are long, so I’ve been flying solo at the gym for the past couple years. It works in my favor in terms of being able to go in the morning or during the day so I can spend time with him when he gets home; however, I do miss going with him! This is something I have to just get over and start to get back in a groove. I’ve taken a few too many weeks off and I really do miss getting my sweat on every day.
I’ve been doing yoga on and off for the past few years. Beyond the physical benefits, I love the spiritual aspect of it. Being mindful and meditating are two things that we all need more of in our lives. Whether I start going to a studio or I find a program online that I can do at home, I truly want to commit this year.
Quality Time
Relationships fall under the wellness umbrella and this year Rob and I genuinely want to enjoy our time together as newly weds! We still have to plan our honeymoon which is a goal for the first quarter of this year. We also want to keep up with no phone zone while we are together so we can maximize our time without distractions. No phone zone was a goal we set last year, and I think we did pretty good with it! We just have to remind ourselves that our time together is better spent when we both put our phones away.
Get Outside
No matter the time of year, getting fresh air is so important for our bodies. Rob works outside and then comes home and is always doing something else outside, so this is more of a goal for me. Now that we have our house which is on 24 acres, I have no excuse! I hate the cold, but I’ve been braving it lately and have been loving how I feel after just taking the pups for a walk or throwing the ball with them.
As many of you know, Rob and I have plenty of ideas when it comes to home renos. We moved into our house in June and immediately started transforming it into our style. With the wedding and the holidays, things got put on hold but we are excited to get back into it and share everything as rooms are completed! Our list of things to achieve with the house this year is:
Complete the living room
Paint kitchen cabinets, replace counter tops
Master bedroom & bathroom remodel
Organize: pantry, under skins, laundry area, fridge, closets
Outdoor living space: pergola & outdoor shower; possibly fireplace
I did break these down even further into which quarter we plan to start, and even down to the month, that way we can stay on track and have a plan! Fingers crossed it all goes according to plan, but I’m also prepared to be flexible as I know situations can arise that you may not expect!
In addition to our health and home goals, I have a few goals for the blog which I will expand more on in a life chat post within the next week. For now, when it comes to the blog I am going to:
Post what makes me happy
Stay true to myself
Be intentional with my content
More focus on blog, less focus on Instagram
Spend more time creating content rather than consuming content
Stop putting pressure on myself when it comes to numbers
Launch a newsletter with exclusive content for subscribers
Cultivate a community
Plan, plan, plan
Get organized and stay organized
As always, thanks for stopping by! I’d love to hear your goals for the year & how you plan to achieve them in the comments below!
The Best of 2018
The Best Year Yet!
We Bought a House!
About three months before our wedding, Rob & I bought a house! I still can’t believe it. It was totally not our plan, but it was definitely meant to be. We might be a little crazy for making this decision while also planning a wedding, but we are so happy that we went through with everything! You can read more about why we bought, what the process was like, etc. in this blog post and this blog post.
Over the past six months, we’ve been making our house our home. We started by painting everything white and ripping out the floors in the hallways, living room, and kitchen. We installed a beautiful gray washed engineered hardwood that I am completely in love with! Our living room is about 90% complete. We have to finish the fireplace area, finish up some trim, and still decide on an area rug. The kitchen is coming along as well. After the new year we plan to paint the cabinets and install quartz counter tops! This is what I’m most excited for!! It is going to totally transform the kitchen and I can’t wait. After that is our master which needs a lotttt of work and is going to be a major process, especially the bathroom. As the rooms are completed I will be sharing before & after photos right here on the blog. I’m hoping to share a lot more home content during 2019 as different projects are completed so stay tuned!!
We Got Married!
We got married on October 5! It truly was the best day ever. Throughout the process we totally questioned if the time, money and stress would be worth it in the end and I am here to say that it was! We said more than once that we should have eloped, but after experiencing the actual day itself, we wouldn’t have had it any other way. I have an entire bridal category here on the blog, so if you’re a bride to be make sure you check it out for advice, tips, vendors, and all the inspo! I will be posting more photos from the day of as soon as we get them back!! For now, you can watch our highlight film here!
We Got a Puppy!
Shortly after we got married, we got a puppy! Again - not a part of the plan, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Piper is our newest addition and she is a red lab. Rob had been on the waiting list with a specific breeder for over six months! A couple weeks before the wedding, the breeder reached out saying his name was up and wanted to know if he was still interested. Although I was hesitant about the timing, there was no way I could tell Rob no. Literally it would have crushed his dreams lol. SO, off to Kansas we drove. We made it there and back in 48 hours. Again, call us crazy but it was a fun little road trip and we are so in love with our Piper girl. I did get asked for tips on training a puppy and I was going to include them here, but as I started typing it was getting to be super long. Instead, i’m going to dedicate an entire blog post to that within the next couple weeks!! Stay tuned!
With the Highs Comes the Lows
We haven't had any horrible lows this year (fortunately), but we were definitely challenged at times! As much as buying a house is high, it was so tough!! From the process itself, to the renovations, to really getting into a new routine together, our relationship was tested but we made it through. It’s all about remembering that the process of buying a home is temporary. Once you’re in the house, everything is worth it. There will always be a project and things will happen that you can’t predict (AKA your washer leaking water all over the floor the night of your rehearsal dinner 🤦🏻♀️) but you just have to go with the flow and give it time to get into a new routine.
When it came to the wedding, Rob and I definitely had our moments. In our moments, we had to remind ourselves that we are on the same team. Between the decisions, stress, money, time, appointments, etc; planning a wedding is HARD. And when shit gets hard we had to lean on each other instead of work against each other. Telling ourselves everything would go back to normal after the wedding was one of the best things we did. The constant reminder of life before wedding planning and knowing it would go back to that was what kept us strong. Because no one tells you wedding planning is tough. Everyone acts like it’s so fun, which it is, but not 100% of the time. Especially towards the end. The last month for us was crazy. We pushed through and now here we are. Back in our normal routine, married, and happier than we’ve ever been!
As I reflect on this year, it was super eventful. I am hoping that 2019 is a bit slower and allows more time for me to focus on the blog and really niche down. My blog is my baby and there’s nothing more that I want than for it to be a source of inspiration and place where you can come and feel like you aren’t alone. I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to stop and read my posts. It truly means the world to me which is why I want this little corner of the internet to be all that it can be for you! But more on 2019 goals in next week’s blog post! For now, I hope you all have a safe.& happy new year! See ya in 2019 <3 xoxo
Pine Barren Beauty Turns Three!
You guyssss. I can't believe it's been three years (and a week or so 🙃) since I've started my blog! Time just keeps going by quicker and quicker, especially the past few months. Today I'm sharing a life chat & a little bit of what I learned along the way because SO much has changed in the past three years!
If you've been following along for the past year, you'll know that Rob proposed last August (read about it here) and we are getting married this October. This has been by far one of the biggest life events that happened since starting my blog, so it's only been natural for me to let you gals know how planning is going and share what I've been learning! If you're a bride to be, check out my bridal category for a ton of fun posts, and more to come after the wedding!
About a month ago, I shared a life update blog post and wrote about how wedding plans were going pretty smooth and crazy Megan didn't have to come out. Well I spoke too soon 😝 this past month has been nuts in terms of wedding planning. It's funny how the planning process goes. In the beginning you feel the stress of finding your venue, booking your date, and securing the rest of your vendors. Then there's a long period of time where you really don't have anything to do. Then, you wake up one morning and your wedding is three months away and you're like shit, I have SO much that needs to get done!
Now that our wedding is just four weeks away - literally can't believe I just typed that - I've had my fair share of mental breakdowns over the past few weeks and I'm sure there are more to come. At this point, one of the biggest things I regret not doing is using some type of planner or app to keep me on track along the way. I'm almost positive that The Knot and Zola both offer some type of planner/app to help you manage everything and let you know what you should be doing and when.
One thing that affected my ability to stay on track was the purchase of our home (another major life event that has helped Pine Barren Beauty evolve). If you've read my previous blog posts, you know we were definitely not house hunting, but the perfect opportunity came along and we had to take it. Talk about a major distraction. We began to pour all of our time & energy and heart & soul into our home and as a result, wedding planning was put on the back burner. And I mean rightfully so. This home is our forever, and our wedding is just one day. It's so crazy to say, but if we knew that we were going to purchase a home when we did, we most likely would have eloped. BUT, more on that after our wedding day! I don't want to speak too soon haha.
At this point, our wedding bands are ordered & hopefully will be here in time, if not we'll be exchanging silicone ones lmao. I DON'T recommend waiting until 6 weeks before to get yours; definitely go like three months in advance :) The guys also got fitted this week for their suits! Also don't recommend waiting as long as we did for that either. We were going to use The Black Tux because it's convenient and has great reviews, but there's only one option for a tan suit and I was super disappointed in the color, quality, and fit, SO we had to go with a second option.
As far as things that we are enjoying - have your RSVP's addressed to your house. It's so fun to get a handful in the mail every day and open them together! One major tip I have is to number your rsvps. We got a handful returned with NO names. Having them numbered was such a help in determining who sent theirs back blank! I also have been stalking my registries like crazy because my shower is this weekend and I'm so excited. Another fun task has been picking out bridal party gifts! I also can't wait until I have my final meeting with my florist because I am beyonddd excited for our flowers. Everything is coming together and I just keep telling myself everything will get done ... because it has to :) hahah.
Needless to say, wedding planning has taken over! We still have a couple house things we want to finish before the wedding, including getting the rest of the trim up in the main hallway, framing out the shiplap wall in the living room, and completing the fireplace/mantle area (happening this weekend yay!). Besides that, finishing the kitchen and starting the master are going to wait until after the wedding.
The living room will most likely be the first room that is entirely complete. We really just have to get a rug, coffee table, and some fun decor items. I have been sharing updates on my instastories and have a highlight saved on my profile in case you missed anything! You can also shop our furniture and decor here (access this page at any time under "shop - my home" in the main navigation bar at the top of my blog). I can't wait to post room reveals here on the blog and share the before photos! Every room is such a transformation - I know you guys are going to love it!
I think it goes without saying, but life has been pretty crazy lately. I'm out of routine and my head is in the clouds most of the time. If there's anything I've learned so far it's that self care is so important. Even when you feel like you don't have a second to spare, you have to make time to nourish your soul. There are SO many ways to practice self care, and this is a topic I plan to really expand upon in the coming months. Once the wedding is done and I finally have time to plan and get things in order, you can expect more content in the areas of self care, beauty, home content, and life chats. Of course, if you have any specific requests, let me know what you want to see! As my life changes and evolves, so will my blog. I'm beyond excited for what's to come and I hope you babes are too!
As always, thanks so much for reading!
Have a happy weekend!
Real Talk No. 4: All The Feels + Life Update
You guys. These past few weeks, (months actually) my head has legit been in the clouds. Between wedding planning, unexpectedly purchasing and beginning renovations on our home, and just everything else that comes along with life, I have been flying by the seat of my pants for weeks. It's such a weird thing too, because up until all the things started happening, I was pretty diligent with planning my days and being organized. But I guess when you have too much on your plate, you're bound to lose your routine at some point 🤷🏻♀️ and for me, losing my routine also means feeling all the emotions, all at once.
Buying and Renovating a Home
In this blog post, I shared my thoughts on our experience buying our first and forever home. You can check that out for more info on why we ended up buying now instead of building later, etc. One thing I didn't mention, because we hadn't yet started, was the renovation process. O M G. We have so many plans for our home and we came in wanting to do everything right away. Well, reality check, not everything is going to get done right away. And you know what? That's totally fine. It's always going to be a work in progress.
Even though everything is going to take time, we have been moving at a pretty solid pace. We started by ripping out the floors. Once that was done, we painted the living room, kitchen, and hallways all white (shade Pure White from Sherwin Williams). Then, we put down hardwood floor in the kitchen, living room, and hallways, that way the floor was the same throughout the main parts of the house. We finished up the flooring last weekend and it's so gorgeous! It also feels good to actually have a finished floor instead of plywood 😝
Next up is trim, painting the kitchen cabinets and choosing a new kitchen counter top! Our living room furniture should be here within the next two weeks, and I have my eye on a dining table that I think will go with our space perfectly! Everything else will come together as far as the details go, but we also have plans for the master bedroom & bathroom after the wedding!
Needless to say, I have been a bit distracted from wedding planning! All I want to do is focus on the house and get things done; I even told rob we should have just eloped at this point 😂 (we really did talk about that as a serious option at first). But I know once our wedding day is here it's all going to be worth it for the #bestdayever!
Wedding Planning
Speaking of wedding planning - in a couple weeks, it will be one year since Rob & I got engaged, and two months until wedding day. LITERALLY WHERE DID THE TIME GO? If someone has an answer or knows how to go back in time, please share in the comments lol. But really, time flies. It's such a cliché but it's so true.
Luckily, I got a lot of things done and all of my vendors secured right away. Now it's just finalizing invites & mailing them out, meeting with our dj to go over our playlist, figuring out the set up of the tables so we have a definite game plan for flowers, getting the guys suits picked out, and choosing our wedding bands. Now, I say that's it but it's a pretty long list once it's written out, huh? I know it's all going to get done but I better get to work 😝
More than all of that, here's what I have learned: even though I'm a perfectionist and details absolutely matter, what matters most is what you feel in your heart. It's your day and everything should be how you want it to be. Don't be afraid of what others might say or think. If you want to allow a ton of money in your budget for flowers because you LOVE them, then do it even though you're well aware they will die. The last thing you want to do is regret not doing this or that because you felt like you were being judged. Reality check - no one has the right to judge the decisions you make for YOUR wedding. I'm sure you have always envisioned how your wedding would be and you should do everything you can to make that vision come to life.
On the flip side, that does not mean to be a bridezilla! You still need to take into account the feelings of your fiancé, parents, wedding party, etc. because they are a part of this process and want to see everything go smoothly for you! I feel like I've been pretty chill for the most part. Naturally, I've had moments of stress & tears, but who doesn't feel overwhelmed at some point when planning a wedding? I'm just lucky that everyone involved in our wedding day has been on my good side so far hahah. But really, everyone has been great and I can't wait to see everything come together over the next couple months!! After all, it is going to be the best day ever!
Blog Life
Between the house & the wedding planning, I've been slacking a bit as far as the blog goes. This little corner of the internet requires so much time & attention. There's nothing else I would rather be doing, but I'm also not going to post just to post. I don't want to get in that habit because then I feel like I'm not being true to you guys. With that said, I've also been thinking about rebranding and taking my blog in a new direction - but more on that later - it still needs time to come together!
I've also cut back as far as buying clothes goes because let's be real, I'm on a budget til our wedding is over! I have my bachelorette party & shower (which means outfits outfits outfits), three other weddings before ours & one after that is a destination wedding so that requires more outfits, and makeup & hair appointments 🙃 I'm not mad about it, but my priorities are a little different right now compared to a few months ago which I'm sure you can understand and relate to. Isn't it crazy how life just happens and our priorities change according to what's going on? Just some food for thought!
As always, thanks for reading! If you have any thoughts you want to share, leave a comment!
Our Experience Buying Our First (& Forever) Home
We are officially home owners!!! I can't believe I'm actually typing those words. When we began this process, closing day seemed so far away, but it really came in the blink of an eye. I am so excited that we are starting the next chapter of our lives and I CAN'T wait for you guys to see how we transform this house into our home!
Before we start, I want you to know that our situation is very unique. I truly believe that timing is everything and what's meant to be will always find it's way. This is a prime example of why I believe in those two clichés.
So first things first. The back story.
This process started back in mid March. At the time, we weren't even looking for a house. Our plan had always been to build a home on property that Rob already owns. I can't tell you how often Rob & I would talk about our future home and everything we wanted it to have. Where on the property it would be; the open floor plan with plenty of room to entertain; not to mention the laundry room of my dreams. This was a regular conversation for us and something we were so looking forward to after our wedding. But it wouldn't be fun and exciting if things went according to plan, right?!
Here's what changed our entire plan. Back in March, the previous homeowners had another baby and were in the process of buying a new home to better accommodate their needs. In passing, the previous homeowner mentioned to Rob's grandfather that they were going to be moving and wanted to sell the house, preferably without a realtor since he hadn't yet listed it.
Rob's grandfather told us about the situation and we knew we had to try to buy the house because it's located directly across the street from the property Rob already owns. Talk about the perfect situation that we never saw coming. SO the process of buying our first and forever home began!
the process itself
*disclaimer: I'm not an expert and don't know much about real estate; I am simply sharing the process as it unfolded for us.
So0, what does someone do when they want to buy a house? First, you have to get pre approved. We reached out to a recommended mortgage company and gave them our info to see if we would qualify. Let me warn you. From the time you submit your information to the time you find out if you qualify is BEYOND stressful. I mean - this was our first time doing this, so would we even be pre approved? I had no idea. But once everything came back and we found out we were pre approved, we were so relieved and ready to move forward.
After that, it was just a lot of paperwork. Because we did not use a realtor, everything basically went through our mortgage rep. We had to get a contract written up by a real estate lawyer to protect both us and the seller. Once that was singed and sent to the mortgage company, we had a ton of other documents to sign and send over. We also had to start looking into home owners insurance since we would need it for the day of closing.
Once we reached the underwriting stage (don't ask me what that is because I still don't really know 🙃) it was a lot of back and forth, making sure they had all the documents they needed to submit the loan for approval. Once everything was officially approved and ready to go, we felt a huge weight lifted off of our shoulders!
The next step was closing day. We set it for the end of June because the previous homeowner needed time to get his new house ready, and it gave us more time to save a little more money since it happened unexpectedly. As we waited for this day to come, I couldn’t help but feel all the feels. I’m the most emotional person I know so you bet I cried a ton. Between the last minute papers that had to be sent through when I thought everything was already taken care of, and just knowing everything was about to change, I couldn’t help it! Now just imagine what I’m going to be like on our wedding day. Can you say #emotionalwreck? Lolll.
what we learned from not using a realtor
Now, I can only give you one side of the story here. Since this was our first time purchasing a home, I have no idea how it would have been with a realtor, BUT I do imagine it being easier than it was.
Because we didn't have a realtor, everything was up to us. As far as all the paperwork, I'm sure it's all the same either way; however, I would imagine a realtor is constantly communicating with you and making sure you're doing what needs to be done in a timely fashion. I found relying solely on our mortgage rep to be a bit frustrating at times, especially as first time home buyers. Sometimes I felt like I had no idea what we needed to be doing and waiting for a response seemed like I was waiting forever. I just felt like we could have used a bit more guidance and I'm sure we would have gotten that had a realtor been involved.
Even though the process was a headache at times, we saved a lot of money by not using a realtor. For that alone, the headache was worth it! We now have more money in our budget for projects we want to do and things we need to get!
If you end up taking the same route we did, my advice would be to ask a TON of questions and stay on top of your mortgage rep. YOU are the priority and that's how they should treat you. If we used a realtor I'm sure that's what they would have done, so in this scenario we had to be a little tough and advocate for ourselves.
All in all, it was such a process (that I never want to have to do again 🤦🏻♀️), but we are beyond happy and ready to start this new chapter!! I’m so excited to take you guys along on this journey and share the transformation of making our house a home 💗
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to comment on this post or reach out via email ( I would love to chat!
As always, thanks so much for reading!
Loving Lately
Happy June! I can't believe summer is officially here and we are just about four months away from wedding day! SO crazy. This weekend I'm working Saturday. On Sunday we are going to try to take my nephew to NASCAR, depending on the weather. He gets so amped up when Rob watches it on TV and all he keeps saying is 'Bert I wanna go to a race and see Jimmy Johnson' so it will be cute to see his reaction to a race in person!
Today's post is all about things I've been loving lately. From my fave sweatshirt at the moment, to safer beauty products that are giving me great results, and a blog I've been reading tons, I'm sharing my thoughts on all! Enjoy <3 xoxo
I have this sweatshirt in two colors and it's my current go to. When I get home at the end of the day I change into this and instantly feel cozy and ready to chill. It's also perfect for the weekend when you're just hanging or running errands. I sized up to a medium for an oversized fit and it's perfect! I want every color & just might get more since it's on sale right now for only $22!
As you may or may not know, I am currently in the process of transitioning my beauty routine to safer, nontoxic products (read more about why here). When it comes to vitamin C serums, I've tried a few so far and this one has impressed me the most. The consistency is more on the oily side so I like to apply it at night. I've been using it for three weeks and my skin is glowy and bright. I have not noticed it plateau yet, which is a good sign, so fingers crossed it continues to work it's magic!
In the process of transitioning my products to safer options, I decided skincare and base layers would be first. When searching for a primer, I was nervous because they either make or break how well your makeup stays on throughout the day. This one by Vapour Beauty is 70% organic and had great reviews. I've been using it for three weeks and it legit goes on like velvet. The texture instantly reminded me of the Hourglass Veil primer so I was pretty impressed. I love how my makeup wears throughout the day. It doesn't melt off my face or look cakey so this primer is a winner if you're looking for a cleaner option.
*Note: I do not recommend using a serum with an oily consistency under this primer. I was using the vitamin c serum above before putting on this primer and they did not mix well. By the end of the day my makeup was starting to melt off my face. When I stopped using the vitamin c serum in the morning, the difference was night & day! The Vapour Beauty foundation is next on my list to try!
As I'm venturing into the world of natural beauty, you know I had to try a natural deodorant. This one is pricier than some, but the packaging is what initially caught my eye. The ingredients are super basic and include rose essential oil and sacred sandalwood essential oil (two of the most expensive essential oils out there). The scent is amazing and I've been loving it so far. I have noticed that I still sweat at the gym BUT I don't stink so that's a win.
In my research about making the switch to natural deodorant, I learned that sweating is normal when using a natural deodorant because you are not blocking the pores. This allows your body to detox how it's supposed to, in turn reducing the likelihood of detoxing through your skin in the form of breakouts! I want to try a few different brands of natural deodorant at all price points and compare them for you girls! Stay tuned for that blog post this summer :)
If you'e been following along with my essential oil journey, you will know that White Angelica is one of my favorites. It smells delish and makes for a great DIY perfume. It also promotes all the positive vibes! It's a mix of I put a drop on my wrists each morning and instantly feel uplifted. It's so crazy to me that essential oils can help with emotional support. You can read more about oils here!
I've been following Shannon on Instagram for a while now and have always loved her casual style. She shares a ton of her every day life on Insta stories and has the cutest little girl! I recently started reading her blog posts because she has been sharing a lot of life chats and advice. Everything she has been sharing is so relatable and exactly what I need to read at times! She wrote a post about choosing one word that you want to be your intention for the week. As the week goes on, you need to check in with yourself to see if you're meeting your intention or how you could do better. I LOVE this idea and will definitely be trying it out! I think it's a great way to become more mindful and really live with intention.
As always, thanks so much for stopping by!
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Real Talk No. 3 - Finding Your Voice
If you caught my life update post, you will know that Rob & I are currently in the process of buying a house! (read all about it here) I've been trying to be as present as possible during this time because it's all just so good!
In my life update post, I mentioned that I'm not sure what's in store for my blog, but more lifestyle content is definitely around the corner. I am also considering rebranding, which is something that I've been thinking about for the past few months; however, that won't happen for another few months or so because I really have to nail it all down.
Before Rob & I buying a house was even a thought in our heads, I started to write this very post about finding your voice in the blogging world. I've been feeling different about it lately; not in a bad way, but in a way that I want to provide more value to you as a reader. It seems that timing always matters, and everything comes together how it should, so keep reading to see what's been on my heart lately!
I want to start by saying I absolutely love blogging. I am so thankful that I get to spend my time doing something that I TRULY love. I've always been one to say, "I want to live my life doing something that makes me genuinely happy. I don't want to spend my days working and not feel fulfilled when I come home." Well, I can say that I am living that dream right now. I get to share my favorite beauty products, style outfits, and create content based on what’s going on in my life at the moment, all to inspire you babes and impact your lives in a positive way. There's honestly nothing else I would rather be doing.
Social media can be rough. It's beyond saturated with bloggers and influencers creating content, curating cohesive feeds, sharing the latest in fashion & beauty, showing off their cute little families and beautiful homes etc. etc. For the most part, we all have the same end goal. And I think that causes everything to blend after a while. When we're all trying to do the same thing, it can be a challenge to find your voice.
I've been blogging for 2.5 years (which isn't long compared to many of the seasoned bloggers out there). It's so crazy to see how much my blog has changed and evolved in such a short amount of time. It's also crazy to think that it's still growing and coming into it's own.
When I first started, my photos were straight from my iPhone, barely edited, and I had no idea what affiliate programs were. I was starting this creative journey and even though I didn't know where it would lead, it felt so good to be going after a dream. Now, I've stepped up my photo game, I work with affiliate programs and brands who I genuinely believe in. I always share what feels right in my heart because I'm continuing to chase this dream and I want show you guys the truest version of myself throughout this journey.
But now there's pressure because I'm also trying to run a business. And it can be so scary at times. What if one thing is out of place in a picture? What if I skip a day of posting? How did she gain so many followers in a week and I’m still at the same number? I've worked so hard to gain so much and feeling like it could all go down the drain because of self imposed pressure regarding social media is just ridiculous.
There's so much more to life than the perfect little squares on Instagram. There's so much more to life than spending time on social media feeling like you have to interact with x amount of people in your niche to stay relevant, or post at x time to make sure your photo is going to be seen by as many people as possible. There's so.much.more. to life than finding the perfect outfit or having the best curling wand out there. (*I’m not saying these things don’t matter, because from a business perspective they totally do, BUT it’s so important to not let it all consume you.)
We're all on our own, unique journey. Everything happens when it's supposed to happen. You cannot compare yourself to the girl next to you because you don't know her journey. So if it takes me 3 years to figure out how I like to edit my photos and curate my feed, then it takes me 3 years and that's okay. If I skip a day of posting because I'm busy and want to be present for the people I'm with then that's okay too. If I start to change my focus because of what's going on in my life at the moment, that's perfectly fine.
What matters is what's in your heart. Take that leap of faith; jump into whatever it is that your heart is telling you to do; start sharing. That's how you find your voice + provide value to those around you.
So, I'm going to focus on sharing my heart and finding my voice because I feel like there’s so much more value in that. Of course I want you to come here for style inspiration and beauty reviews, that's the foundation of my blog. But, I also want you come here for lifestyle content that you can truly relate to. I want this to be a place where you come & leave feeling inspired to be the best version of yourself.
Whether you've been following from the beginning, or today is your first day here, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following my journey and watching my blog evolve and continue to grow. It means so much to me and I honestly wouldn't have been able to turn my blog into a business without you! Whether it's commenting on my blog posts, shopping through my links, liking my photos on Instagram, or replying to my Instagram stories, every last bit means so much to me! I love interacting with you babes and I will continue to share content that inspires you to be true to yourself and live your best life!
Here's to more style & beauty content, and to introducing more lifestyle content! I'm so excited for what's to come & I hope you are too!
♡ xo
Thoughts on Turning 26!
Happy birthday to me! I can't believe it's already May! Seriously where is time going? Today I wanted to share some random thoughts on turning 26, so here we go:
*I said to Rob the other day, "did you feel weird turning 26 because it's closer to 30 than it is to 20?" His response of course was no. So I probably shouldn't feel weird about it since age is just a number, but just some food for thought 🤷🏻♀️
*The other day on insta, I posted a photo (yep, the one up there) and wrote a caption about trying to become a morning person. I'm a night owl at heart and I never used to think twice about it. Staying up late was normal for me. What was also normal for me (that's not normal for most people) was waking up at 12pm. It just turned into a vicious cycle that I felt like I had no control over. WELL. I do have control over it. Lately I've been getting up early and it's so much more functional. Rob is up early so it just makes sense that I get my stuff done while he's at work. This allows us to have our nights to ourselves, instead of me writing blog posts in bed (for example). This change has come with age, as I feel it probably does for most people who were born night owls.
*As most of you already know, Rob & I are getting married this fall + we are currently in the process of buying a house! It's so funny looking back, thinking about how when I was younger I would say "I want to be married by 23 and have kids by 24." Was anyone else that way as a teenager? Little did I know there was so much life to live before starting this new chapter. I'm actually glad things didn't happen how I thought they would because I've learned so much and I know that I'm where I'm supposed to be!
*As I've grown and evolved, so has my blog. Some fun changes will be on the way as Rob & I enter a new chapter of our lives and I'm more than excited! More on that in post later this week!
That's all I have for today! As always, thanks for reading!
5 Ways to Use Essential Oils Every Day
If you're new here, welcome! If you've been following for a while, welcome back! Today I'm sharing five easy ways you can use essential oils in your every day life. I started using Young Living essential oils about three months ago. They have become such a part of my daily routine and I can't help but share them with you!
In case you missed my previous post about essential oils, or are new to oils, read this post for everything you need to know!
Every day, I put a drop or two of lemon in my water! It's great for detoxing your body while adding flavor! It's also super convenient to have right in the kitchen & be able to bring it with you to work or on the go. Young Living has an entire line of vitality oils that are completely safe for ingestion. The vitality bottles have a white label so you know you can ingest them.
There are so so many blends you can put in a diffuser! When I'm sitting at my desk working, I love to diffuse peppermint & lemon because it's fresh and helps me focus. At night, I like to diffuse cedarwood & lavender to help with sleep. If you have a diffuser in your kitchen, citrus fresh is perfect for spring! I also love grapefruit & bergamot diffused together. The blends are endless!
I've always been a big fan of using face oils because the benefits are real! Depending on what you are looking to target (reduced redness, minimizing break outs, brightened dark spots, overall glow, etc), there's most likely an oil that can help you! Adding a drop of frankincense to your night time moisturizer can help with overall glow and lavender is great for calming the skin. I have some DIY oils and masks I want to make, so I will be doing a separate post with those when I figure out the best blends!
I have a roller bottle of cedarwood, lavender and stress away that I roll on the bottom of my feet at night. I am not a heavy sleeper, and trying to get a sound sleep with Rob & Nala (our pup) in my bed is HARD. When I started using this blend, I began to really sleep through the night. Seriously I was AMAZED that it actually worked! I also like to diffuse this blend as I'm getting ready for bed because it sets the mood! Another great night time blend is lavender + peace & calming II.
I love to add a few drops of eucalyptus to the bottom of the shower. It's so refreshing and instantly smells like a spa! It's such an awakening scent and is great for morning or after a work out. Young Living also makes bath bombs (!!!) that I have yet to try but hear are amazing. They infuse them with lavender or stress away and apparently they're the!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
If you are interested in learning more + signing up with Young Living, click here!